Thirteen animals who found a new family. Just look into their eyes!

Insanely touching footage
Pets cannot live a normal life when they are outdoors and not supported by humans. As soon as a cat or dog finds a loving owner and gets into a comfortable home, they are completely transformed and their eyes begin to literally glow with happiness!

The first joint dream

Now only happy days await this dog.

Native Souls

How much gratitude in that look!

The cat is happy with his new life

Loving bite to his beloved master

How nice to have a caring shoulder to lean on

Glowing with happiness

The hair is mussed up with joy.

Transformed in caring hands

The eyes say it all

Are you sure you’re going to take me home?

No longer will he be sad, because now he has an owner!

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Thirteen animals who found a new family. Just look into their eyes!
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