The little kitten meowed pitifully, and after a moment it became clear that he had not come to people alone

A tiny kitten showed up at a stranger’s house: he was “crying” and “asking for help. Funny, but the baby didn’t come alone…

“My boyfriend was in the yard when the kitten ran up to him… He meowed loudly and was covered in dirt and fleas!” – recalls a girl named Hannah.


She went outside herself to see what was going on.

In front of the girl stood a tiny kitten, desperately begging for help. Helpless and dirty, it was waiting to be noticed. A moment later, the girl heard little paws treading behind her. She turned her head and saw another baby! It was our hero’s little sister.

The kittens, named Theon and Yara, looked miserable. They were crawling with fleas, and their skinny paws were barely holding their bony bodies together.


Luckily, they ended up in good hands because Hannah and her boyfriend love animals very much. They grabbed the babies and rushed to bathe them to rid the kittens of parasites.

Yara turned out to be a tough “girl,” but Theon was sick for some reason. He looked lethargic and weak, and Hannah was very frightened. She was afraid she was going to lose the little creature who had actually just started living.

The girl grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the baby, trying to keep it warm. And then she began to pour syrup into his tiny mouth so that the baby’s body avoided dehydration.


Fortunately, a few hours later, the baby was feeling better and began to eat again.

He began to purr with joy that he was alive, and the girl was rejoicing with happiness!

“He would purr so loudly when I picked him up. Even when he wasn’t feeling well last night, the baby would turn on the ‘motor,'” Hannah recalls.

Now the baby brother and baby sister are doing fine. They are gaining weight and eating with a big appetite. And Theon enjoys climbing onto Hannah’s shoulders, as if she were a tree.


And the children also have a four-legged “babysitter” – a dog named Bruce. He makes sure that the “kids” are in order, and in his own way helps the kind-hearted owner.

It’s hard to believe that not long ago the two tiny creatures were on the brink of life and death, and today they are clean, fed and really happy!


May there be more people like Hannah and her young man. And then the orphaned kittens and puppies will never be alone.

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The little kitten meowed pitifully, and after a moment it became clear that he had not come to people alone
The puppies were rejected by their mother, and then they were shown to the cat