The cat was surrendered to the shelter because of his love to sit on his owner’s lap, but they found him a new family

Why does a normal person need a cat in the house? That’s right, to love it, to pet it, to hold it in his arms, to caress it, to feel its warmth and comfort, to hear its purr. And if a cat responds in kind to its owner, it’s the perfect combination.

But it turns out that not everyone shares this belief. Here is a plump red-haired beauty named Jacques from Montreal (Canada), his own owners gave him to the local shelter “Michigan Cat Rescue” and explained his action by the fact that the cat is too tame and too dependent on the attention of owners, and that he especially likes to sit on their laps.


“All Jacques wanted was to sit warm on his master’s body. But they didn’t want that. They didn’t want to cuddle him, and they didn’t want a cat like that in the house at all,” says one Michigan Cat Rescue employee.


Jacques had been at the shelter for a year and could not find a new family. Even at the shelter, Jacques was desperately looking for human contact and was always ready to curl up in the lap of the workers.


In an effort to find new owners for Jacques, the shelter staff decided to hold a campaign on their Facebook page. They published a photo and story of Jacques, mentioning that he is very tame and very affectionate and because of this he did not please his old owners.


It didn’t take long for users to react. People were amazed and outraged that someone could give up a cat for such a reason.

“A giant ginger cat who likes to sit on my lap and cuddle? Sounds like my dream come true!”.

“Who the hell in their right mind would turn down a cat who loves to sit on their lap?”

“If it’s a cat who loves to sleep on his lap, that’s just what I’m looking for!”

In all, more than 1,200 comments were left to the post and it earned more than 2,600 likes. People wished Jacques would find a new family as soon as possible and offered themselves as a new owner for him.


After two weeks, the shelter staff finally chose an owner for Jacques, who was a woman named Liz. She and her family came to the shelter to pick up the cat and immediately took him in their arms and Jacques sat happily on Liz’s lap and cuddled with her, purring loudly.


Then Jacques also rested sweetly on Liz’s husband’s lap.


“Finally our sweet and spoiled kitty found a new home. He now lives with Liz and her family and we are all very happy for him.”

Jacques settled into his new home very quickly and made friends with the other cat as well, and he also enjoyed sitting in the arms of Liz’s 3-year-old grandson, who adores his new pet. He also came up with a new name for the cat and calls him Joe.


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The cat was surrendered to the shelter because of his love to sit on his owner’s lap, but they found him a new family
The skinny dog was kicked out on the street because of another puppy. But he was lucky to meet a new family