The cat got stuck in the window and waited several hours for help. But the owners did not care.

How is it possible
It is not uncommon for dogs and cats to end up with owners who do not care about them at all. The question arises: Why did they get a pet at all, if they don’t care about it at all?

The cat we want to tell you about got into trouble only because his owners seemed to have forgotten all about him. When no one was in the flat, the poor thing somehow got stuck in the plastic window opening. He hung like that for hours!

Luckily, the neighbours saw it and rescued the cat. And he survived this unusual situation only because he was incredibly skinny, like a skeleton. His owners had barely fed him…

The rescued animal was taken to a veterinary clinic. Then he was taken to Anna. This girl, hearing about the cat’s adventures, felt pity for him. She took him in. Once he was in her flat, he couldn’t even move. His back legs were injured while he was hanging in the window.

Anya’s whole family nursed the cat. She bought medicine, ointments, fed and massaged the cat herself. After a year, the cat was completely healthy!

Anna and her husband couldn’t think of a name for the cat for a long time. As a result, Anna calls him Cocos and her husband calls him Cupcake. The cat happily responds to both of these nicknames.

It’s good that this story has a happy ending. It’s good that there are kind people on this planet.

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The cat got stuck in the window and waited several hours for help. But the owners did not care.
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