Кошеня-сирота потоваришувало із собакою, яка втратила цуценят, і це так зворушливо, що готуйте хусточки

Mohammed Ala Jalil is known as the “Cat Man of Aleppo. He earned this nickname for sheltering cats left homeless by the wars in Syria. Not far from his cat shelter lived Amira, a street dog that the man used to feed. After learning that Amira was pregnant, Mohammed built a separate house for her, because it wasn’t safe for a dog to live with cats on both sides. Unfortunately, this story isn’t much fun; all of Amira’s puppies were born dead. Volunteers tell us that they gave her a teddy bear so the dog could snuggle up to it. And that was the beginning of one warm and lasting friendship.

Amira, a street dog, came to the shelter when she was pregnant but lost all of her puppies


Volunteers gave the dog a bear cub to snuggle up to


But this bear cub also interested another shelter resident, orphan kitten Junior.


He approached the toy and the dog


Junior was not afraid of the big dog. He rubbed his face against Amira’s and so their friendship began.


After a while, Amira didn’t need the teddy bear anymore


She has a real little friend


They do everything together






Amira shares her food with the kitten


Junior sits quietly on Amira’s back, and she seems happy


And people are so moved by this story that they even draw this cute couple


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Кошеня-сирота потоваришувало із собакою, яка втратила цуценят, і це так зворушливо, що готуйте хусточки
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