“Just don’t cry!” – the man told the kitten, but the naughty tears rained down his cheeks

If Mike’s friends found out he loved kittens, they wouldn’t believe it! Mike is a real brute, covered in tattoos, and a pit bull would look great next to him. In fact, everyone around him thought so, but it turned out that this tough-looking man can not only love little cats, but he can even cry!

Three Sons and a Tiny Daughter

A few months ago our hero decided to change his field of work a bit and work with animals. Immediately he received a call saying, “Mike, would you be able to take in some kittens?”

“I was so excited!” – the man admits. He agreed, of course, and soon he had tiny lumps of fur in his house. Four squeaking babies were crawling in his arms, begging for food and watching with expressive eyes. Three of them were “boys,” and the snow-white kitten was a girl. Mike named her Leah.

Looking at the babies, the man could not believe his eyes: was all this really happening to him? Had he really agreed to be a “daddy” to these little ones who needed to be fed by the hour and paid a lot of attention? Yes, this was really happening to Mike, and he was partly excited, and partly thrilled!

The situation was complicated by the fact that the babies were underweight and in poor health. Each day was like a fight for life, one that ended in favor of the kittens today, but could be lost tomorrow. Mike lived all these days in an atmosphere of fear and worry for the babies.

And then one of the kittens died… It was tiny Yoda…

“Just don’t cry, just don’t cry!” – Mike exhorted himself. At that moment the tears streamed down his cheeks. The man with the deceptively brutal appearance was sobbing nonstop!

Goodbye, little ones.

And soon tiny Leah became ill. Day by day she looked worse, losing weight, and Mike panicked. He rushed to the doctor, who said that the baby could die at any moment. Still, he is willing to help, so he offers a 7-day therapy that will show if Leah can be saved from death.

After exactly 24 hours, the kitten felt better. It was amazing: it was as if the baby came to life. She was running, jumping, playing with her siblings, and clearly looking better. The doctor managed to save her!

The remaining weeks that the kittens spent at Mike’s passed quietly. The little ones were growing and gaining weight. And the man had a lump in his throat: he had grown attached to them, but had to return the kittens to the shelter.

“I was trying to keep from crying!” – Mike admits, but it proved very difficult. The separation was sad and painful. The man admits that he doesn’t regret for a second that he agreed to take the tiny kittens into his home and now he hopes that they will meet owners who will love them like their own children! By the way, he added that he would take the kittens for adoption more than once!

Well, we are very happy that there are such wonderful people like Mike, and we believe that his little wards will definitely fall into good hands!

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“Just don’t cry!” – the man told the kitten, but the naughty tears rained down his cheeks
Hero dad. He jumped from the 7th floor to save his 4-year-old son’s life