I quarreled with my husband, decided to take the cat and leave, but then the cat did such a terrible thing … To this day we live with her husband in heart to heart!

I’m arguing with my husband. I can’t stand it and say:

– Enough! I’m packing and leaving, the cat stays with me!

– Things – please, but the cat is not given! – my husband flares up. – He’s not just yours, and he will decide with whom he stays!

– Vasya, who will you choose? Kitty-kitty, handsome tiger, come here, – my husband calls me.

– Vasya, honey, – I’m reaching for the cat. – Run to your mom, go hug, baby.

Vasya in shock, ran to the middle of the bedroom and stared at us. He looked at us with a mute question: “What the hell are you guys up to?”

– I have a suggestion,” my husband said. – We’ll beckon him with a sausage. Whoever gets it, and Vaska will get, okay?

– Okay, – I agree. It is clear that Vasya loves me. But it always falls asleep between me and my husband …

We armed ourselves with slices of sausage and went to different corners of the room. Angry as hell, both of us. Slowly we called for the cat:

– Look what I’ve got! Do you want a sausage? – The husband assiduously beckons the cat.

– Vasya, Vasya, come to me, a tasty! – I myself try to do the same, even crawled on the floor, reaching out to him.

Vasya came to my husband and took the sausage from his hands.


My husband jumped up and down with happiness.

– You see! Even Vasya doesn’t love you!

Vasily walked to the middle of the room with the sausage, put it down, sniffed it. Then looked at me, came over and took a second piece. Went back to the middle of the room, put my piece on my husband’s piece. Tapped his paw on top, like he does with the water sometimes, and sat down next to it, squinting.

– What does it mean? – Surprised the husband – Whose cat is it, after all?

– You know … – I said – I think he’s against us splitting up.

– You think so?

– I’m sure – already calmed down I say.

The conflict was over, and Vaska that sausage and would not eat. We had to throw it away)). Our cat was smarter than us…

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I quarreled with my husband, decided to take the cat and leave, but then the cat did such a terrible thing … To this day we live with her husband in heart to heart!
After a downpour, a woman found a tiny orphaned kitten and brought it back to life