How do you tell a Husky from a Malamute at a glance?

Do you know how to distinguish a Malamute from a Husky? A Husky always has an “arrow down” drawn on its forehead. And the brighter and more accurate the “arrow”, the more highbred dog. A Malamute must have a heart. Although this is only one of the observations of the breeds. Of course there are other signs, but this is very obvious.

Husky Puppies


Adult Husky


Malamute puppy


Adult Malamute


Husky and Malamute together. Guess which one is which?


Malamute, Samoyed, Husky


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How do you tell a Husky from a Malamute at a glance?
A miracle of miracles! 😲🧐😀 A grandmother in tights turned young and beautiful…🔥🔥👏