Abandoned dog stared at the wall for weeks, but one man made her happy

Thank you so much!!!
The tired, exhausted doggy came to the shelter in a very bad condition. The kennel gave him the nickname Noodles, which means “Noodles”. No one knows why the shelter workers chose this name for the dog. It was immediately obvious that Noodles was a house dog, but no one wanted him and did not apply to the shelter.

He was examined by doctors and prescribed special care, and the shelter staff tried to give him a slightly larger portion. And that was good for his physical condition. The same could not be said about his morale. It was just awful. Noodles huddled in a corner of his cage and just sat the whole day with his face pressed against the wall. He didn’t react to people or other dogs in the shelter.

But one day a man showed up at the shelter and decided by all means to help Noodles come to his senses. He decided to take him home from the shelter, where he already had a dog of the same breed as Noodles. And it worked, after a while the dog started to show signs of interest and soon he came to his senses and became a happy and cheerful dog.

This is a major reminder that care, attention and love, can make a real miracle!

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Abandoned dog stared at the wall for weeks, but one man made her happy
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