A brave cat decided to catch luck by the tail and went straight to a woman’s balcony

Svetlana Karavaeva was always sure of that! She knew for sure that if she wanted something very badly, her wish would come true. Maybe even at the most unexpected moment…

And Sveta really wanted a kitty or a kitten. The fact that the girl had a not very nice story – she accidentally twisted her ankle. Doctors said that all pretty well healed, but Svetlana had to wear a bandage with a special ointment. And her leg often ached, which also annoyed her.


“Oh, I wish I had a cat right now! I wish she would come, lie down next to me, warm my sore leg… Then I wouldn’t need any ointment – a purring “healer” would help me cope with my ailment! – thought the girl.

That’s when the most unexpected thing happened! As if by chance, in August, Sveta was found by her cat… He showed up himself.


One evening Svetlana decided to go out on the balcony to get some fresh air. Imagine the girl’s surprise when she realized that she had company. After all, someone was already sitting on the balcony!

It was a small, flea-bitten kitten. He’s just opened his eyes and did not even really learn to blink. Where do you think he came from?


It turns out that in the yard of the house where Svetlana lives, an indifferent pensioner feeds homeless kittens. But the grandmother needed to go to the cottage, so the pets began to look for other “tasty” places. One kitty began to go up to Sveta on the balcony. Most likely, it was she who brought the girl her kitten.

Of course, Svetlana was happy to have such a “present”! But her mother did not share her daughter’s enthusiasm, saying that she did not really like cats. Nevertheless, her cat stayed with Sveta, who believes that only when you have a fluffy friend in the house, it becomes cozy.


The kitten was shown to the veterinarian, who prescribed all the necessary medications to cure the baby. In addition, he advised to feed the baby with a cat’s milk substitute and give it vitamins.

It didn’t take long for the “stiffy” to grow into a gorgeous cat named Nafania. Well, in honor of the house cat, as you understand.

Svetlana says that the cat is willful and always eager to play pranks, but she just can’t get angry with him. Even if the pet opens the doors of the wardrobe and falls asleep inside, even if he tries to destroy the lampshade from the night lamp, he gets away with it.


By the way, Nafani’s taste preferences are very unconventional, too! If you have a marshmallow, a piece of chocolate or a pinch of ground coffee, the cat will be happy to meet you.

So much for the “balcony surprise”! But the important thing in this story is that everyone is happy and satisfied.

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A brave cat decided to catch luck by the tail and went straight to a woman’s balcony
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