15 incredibly motivated cats who will do anything in the name of food

The first rule of all cats is that the cat is always hungry! Even if a cat has just eaten, it can still be very hungry, especially if it has discovered a tasty treat. All owners have to do is spot the muzzle signaling the ravenous hunger of the predator in time! And if your kitty is acting like our furry heroes today, we can give you one piece of advice – feed him! Hurry up and feed him!

“All for me?!”

Everyone loves grandma’s pancakes

“I command you, come into my clutches!”

nothing can save this slice of pizza


It’s written all over his face!

“Sliced? Shall I put it on the table?”



“I’m coming to you, my precious!”

The focused hunter is close to success

And here it is – the moment of true triumph!

Looks like someone is in for a serious scandal

Everyone has different tastes, the main thing is the food!

Your cat will be able to play Hamlet at least!

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15 incredibly motivated cats who will do anything in the name of food
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