Transformation: how a shabby dog turned into a fluffy miracle

The little one was unrecognizable!
One day people found a dog whose face had been doused with acid. When they saw it, they called Loreta, a volunteer with Hope For Paws, and asked her to come…

Of course, the kind girl could not refuse, so she immediately went to the address. The sight almost made her cry: a small, pitiful dog with a tangled dirty hair and a shabby tail, trying to eat, suffering a terrible pain…

As she approached, Loretta stroked the baby, and she jerked her head frightened. Volunteer saw the burnt mouth, which looked like it was rotting. She absolutely had to be helped, and the girl waited patiently for the moment when she could put a harness on the dog.

The wait was not long: the little one was very hungry and greedily gorged on food, not looking away or paying any attention to Loreta. Even when the volunteer gently slipped the harness on the dog, the dog did not react at all …

The little one did not resist even when the girl picked her up and carried her to the car. After putting the pet in the carrier, the volunteer went to the clinic. Alice, as it was decided to name the doggie, sat on a blanket and waited to see what fate would bring her…

At the hospital, the little girl was carefully examined and noticed not only the burned mouth, but also the terrible lower teeth that made the animal uncomfortable. This was due to the fact that the dog had not been cared for, nor had they taken care of its hair, which in some places was shabby and covered with tangles.

A Wonderful Change
Alice said goodbye to her tangled fur on the same day and the volunteers and doctors saw a skinny little body with protruding ribs and tiny feet. To keep the little girl warm, they put a warm sweater on her, which helped maintain her body temperature.

Alice spent almost a week in the hospital. She was treated, fed, and paid a lot of attention. Especially Loretta: the girl did not tire of petting the dog, who came up to her and asked for affection. The volunteer prepared food for Alice and rubbed coconut oil on her body. Thanks to the girl’s care, the dog was recovering right in front of her eyes…

Two months later, the little girl was taken into their home by a family of kind people. By that time she had recovered and the terrible wound in her mouth had healed. The doggie was covered with a white coat, which was still short…

A little more time passed, and Loretta decided to visit the family who had taken Alice in. When the fluffy dog jumped out at her, she couldn’t believe her eyes. However, it was Alice, who recognized her rescuer and joyfully threw herself into her arms! Cheerful, cheerful and energetic fluffy – that’s exactly how our heroine became!

After going through sorrows, the adorable dog got a chance at a happy life, and she never gets tired of thanking the kind and charming Loretta for that! And we, too, are eternally grateful to this sweet girl!

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Transformation: how a shabby dog turned into a fluffy miracle
This lady offered to take a shot of a happy family enjoying an ice cream together.