This world is made for kitties! Purrs feel in charge wherever they go

What was this world created for? So that cats could live in it. And what is the Internet for? So that everyone can admire the mustachioed muzzles to their heart’s content.

Joking is joking, but sometimes it really seems that cats feel they are in charge, and that makes them a little bit curious.

Look at what these purrs are doing to themselves!

“They’re here so I can scratch my face!”


“Look! Another breadwinner for us.”


And towels for them, how about that?


Why else would you need a sink? Certainly not to wash your hands.


The cat considers every nook and cranny in the house its own property


Hoods are sewn especially for mustachioed friends


And the bags are for kitties, too! What did you think?


All for them!


Even public transportation rides the purrs


A new plasma TV is the perfect sleeping place for your pet!


Does your kitty feel like he owns the world, too?

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This world is made for kitties! Purrs feel in charge wherever they go
“My parents made me pay for my own dinner by paying for the rest – Their reason was absurd.”