There was a sick and emaciated dog lying on the side of the road, everyone was passing by, but not this guy

A low bow to such people!
There are many homeless animals on the streets, abandoned, betrayed and forgotten. Hundreds of people pass by, but not everyone can be callous. This man could not pass by this emaciated dog.

There was a dog lying on the curb with no fur. The dog was emaciated, hungry and scared. The man stopped and looked into its eyes. He couldn’t get past it…

When he took the dog in his arms, he squealed so. Living on the street, the dog didn’t know any good from people. He was never stroked…

For weeks the man treated the dog. He applied ointments, fed, bathed and petted the dog.

After a few weeks the hair began to grow back and the dog was transformed.

He became calmer and realized he was being saved.

The dog gained weight, started to play actively and walk calmly around the house.

When a human reached out to him, he no longer whimpered or was frightened.

Now he is unrecognizable! Handsome and affectionate dog, he does not look like that sick and skinny dog in the first pictures.

He has made friends with other dogs and is now perfectly happy!

A big bow to such people!

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There was a sick and emaciated dog lying on the side of the road, everyone was passing by, but not this guy
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