The man did not close the car, and was driving back with a stray dog that had unexpectedly appeared

So touching.
Well, who can get into a car when there’s nothing but desert all around. So thought Bill Shaver, returning from a fishing trip in Missouri, and making a stop. After stepping away for a few minutes, Bill returned, and suddenly found a dog in the back seat of the car.

She looked exhausted, her eyes pleading for help. Bill, who already had three animals in the house, could not leave her in distress. So he gave her what he had and called his wife. She agreed to a new pet without a second thought, and was waiting for them at home.

But before bringing the dog home, Bill had to work hard and treat the dog for fleas, ticks and wounds.

The three dogs in the family quickly accepted the new pet, whom they named River. The cat, on the other hand, had to fight for her affections. But soon his heart melted before the charm of the new pet.

Bill, too, didn’t regret for a second that he had rescued an unexpected guest. She is now a faithful family friend.

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The man did not close the car, and was driving back with a stray dog that had unexpectedly appeared
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