One day the volunteers at Refuge RR Canada received a call from kind people. They told them that there was a kitten named Sylvester on the steps in front of the house. He looks miserable and unhappy and his owners are not to be seen… But there is a note beside him asking not to touch the cat…
Of course, the volunteers decided to intervene in the fate of the homeless kitty…

Green eyes, full of sadness…
When Rob Boisvert, an employee of the shelter, arrived at the address indicated, he saw a gray and white cat under the house. The cub looked at the man who approached with bottomless green eyes full of sadness, and that look made his heart ache. The kitty was lying on a dirty, peeling step, and there was trash lying next to it… There was a piece of paper nearby that had the following written on it:
“Please don’t touch the cat. There is a reason he is here. Thank you!”

Shocked, Rob couldn’t imagine who could have left such a note, but he certainly wasn’t going to follow it. The man picked up the kitty, which was suffering from fleas and hunger, and carried it with him.
Help from all sides
Once in the shelter, Sylvester immediately felt that people would not hurt him. He trustingly looked at the volunteers with the same huge eyes in which sadness lurked…

Gradually the little purr went on the mend, and after it was told about him on Facebook, people noticed the foundling and offered their help. The kitty received many gifts and, of course, toys that he liked. And soon he will be taken by his new owners, who will never betray this nice “boy.
But what happened to the kitty, and how did he end up on the street? It turned out that the previous owners did the same to him. They put the cat on the doorstep to catch rats. But people did not take into account that Sylvester was too weak to hunt for rodents, because he did not have enough food or water… And it was too cold outside…

To his great good fortune, our hero now doesn’t have to freeze and starve to please heartless people, because he is loved for nothing! Why, he’s a living creature!