It’s no secret that our little brothers love to eat delicious food, but sometimes the food offered to them is not enough! And that’s when they have a desire to diversify their diet!
Small and large, shaggy and tailed – they will eat with pleasure the food, which was left unattended. However, the most courageous ones are ready to get even into the fridge, not being embarrassed that they can be caught by the owner!
The “Mur TV” editorial staff has prepared for you 10 positive photos, in which animals steal the food they like without unnecessary modesty!
The “Mur TV” editorial staff has prepared for you 10 positive photos, in which animals steal the food they like without unnecessary modesty!
1 – Sonny, go get breakfast, or the flies will swoop in!
- Don't worry, I'll guard the food!

No. 2 “Master, the sausages don’t taste good, but I’m ready to finish them!”

No. 3 “Okay, Barbos! Your cutlet is left and mine is right! And don’t get it mixed up!”

No. 4 “Thanks for the treat! Can I have some bread for the road?”

No. 5 “Well, yes, a rat! Did you want to see a lobster here for that price?”

6 Little buddy, but voracious!

No. 7 “Didn’t make entrecôte? Well, then fish will do!”

No. 8 “Hosts, I don’t understand: aren’t you still awake?”

No. 9 “Excuse me, can I also steal a brownie from you?”

No. 10 “Left the sausage unattended? Then I’ll take care of it!”

We hope you smiled while looking at these photos, because even in these situations, animals remain incredibly cute! Don’t you agree?