When Justina Stramileit and her family adopted a kitten named Domovoy, he was very weak, so everyone was very afraid that he would not live long. Domovoy was the smallest kitten among his brothers and sisters. Soon after he was born, he stopped eating and began to lose weight.

Fortunately, neither Justina nor the Ghost was going to give up! The girl persuaded the baby to drink and eat through force, so he began to agree. Gradually he began to get better!

Pretty soon the flaccid lump of hair became a real bundle of energy! He grew so much that even some dogs were smaller than him.

The house cat turned into a gorgeous, fluffy cat. Just look at him… he’s bigger than his mistress! And yet Justina never refuses to hold her pet in her arms.

This girl proved that one should never give up and refuse to help the weak, but instill faith and hope in them. Justina and Domovoy are a real team!