No one wanted to take the deaf puppy out of the shelter. But then a deaf guy found out about him!

In one of the animal shelters in the U.S. state of Maine, there lived a small, deaf Labrador. The poor thing was diagnosed with parvovirus enteritis. Veterinarians were able to treat this serious disease, but as a result of complications, the puppy lost his hearing and his eyesight deteriorated. No one wanted to take a dog with such problems from the shelter.

Volunteers were not discouraged and kept looking for an owner for this cute Labrador named Emerson. They constantly posted posts on Facebook and hoped that someone would like to take the special puppy.

Nick Abbott saw the ad once and immediately realized that he had found his four-legged friend. The thing is that the guy was born deaf, and this dog was sent to him by fate.

When Nick arrived at the shelter, he was led to a group of walking dogs. As soon as Emerson saw the stranger, he immediately ran up to him and started wagging his tail. It turns out that the dog sensed in the young man his master.

Nick and the labrador quickly became friends and understand each other without words. The guy taught the animal simple commands using sign language. Now the dog is enjoying a happy dog’s life, because Nick loves him so much and takes care of him. And Emerson, in turn, pleases his master and is immensely devoted to him.

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No one wanted to take the deaf puppy out of the shelter. But then a deaf guy found out about him!
Before she died, my grandmother asked me to clean the photo on her headstone, and a year after her passing I finally did it and was amazed at what I found