In a cardboard box sat an abandoned puppy shivering. The little guy had already resigned himself to his fate…

One frosty winter day, as usual, Anya went about her business. Suddenly she noticed a moving box on the side. The girl walked closer and opened it. Inside sat a small frightened puppy, who was shivering from the cold, the box was moving. Even the foam padding did not save the baby. Apparently the owner decided to get rid of the baby, so he took it outside. But to leave the poor animal in this cold is akin to murder.

The dog was so cold that he couldn’t even whimper and didn’t try to get out. He just looked at Anya with his sad eyes. The girl stroked the baby and realized that she could not leave him here. She forgot about all her business and thought only about how quickly to warm and feed the shaggy poor thing.

At home, Anya immediately wrapped the baby in a warm blanket and then gave him food. The girl began to look for a family for the baby, but no one wanted to take him. But then the heroine realized that she could not give the doggie away, because during this time she was able to love him.

Now the baby is no longer recognizable. He grew up and turned into a beautiful stately dog, albeit mongrel.

The girl cannot be happy with her clever four-legged friend and does not regret that she took a mongrel into her house instead of a dog with a pedigree.

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In a cardboard box sat an abandoned puppy shivering. The little guy had already resigned himself to his fate…
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