“I’ll bring you happiness!” Tiny kitten rescued from waste turned out to be a rare diamond

One day a kind woman heard a meowing sound coming from a trash can in the street. She didn’t hesitate to reach into the bin and extracted a squeaky, still blind animal of cheerful mottled color.

“A tricolor! So this kitty will bring me happiness!” thought the rescuer and took the baby into her home.


The owner was on round-the-clock duty over her find – feeding it with milk, bathing it, giving it medicine, bandaging its wounds. The broken limb soon healed, and the damaged part of her paw fell off.


As the kitty got a little older, it became clear that this animal was unique!


It’s simple – it turned out to be a boy! Everyone knows for a long time that only cats can be tricolored, and only 0.03% of a hundred scientists assign to the possibility that a cat will be born with such a color.


A few months have passed…


Now the unusual baby is fully healthy and happy, although he was named Martyr for his not-so-happy start in life and his mangled paw. In the future, the kitty will not be able to give birth, but his quality of life will not be affected!


“He’s a normal happy kitten, healthy as a horse!” his owners say. This family has already rescued many stray dogs, but the little fluffy one is their favorite.


They say he stole their hearts! And, it seems, forever…

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“I’ll bring you happiness!” Tiny kitten rescued from waste turned out to be a rare diamond
A puppy from the shelter learned to smile – and that helped him find a new home