As a housewarming gift, the girl got a cat from the old owners

Sometimes when we change places, past tenants leave us with unpleasant surprises. It could be mice, cockroaches, a pile of old laundry behind the closet, or (just not that!) a leaky cesspool on the property.


However, what the previous owners left behind for 23-year-old Miranda of Washington City is a much nicer gift than one might expect!


It all started when she moved into the house and found a note that read:

“Welcome to our beloved home!

We hope you like it as much as we did! We do have one request-you don’t have to do it, but we would be very grateful if you would. In the backyard you will see an old ginger cat that lives there. He is homeless and was born in our backyard 12 years ago. He has an injured paw, so the cat won’t let you near him. We’ve been feeding him twice a day for years. We usually give him some dry or wet cat food and put water on the backyard patio. We also bought him a little house for winter and rainy days, it sits against the wall. We would really appreciate it if you would continue to feed him. We are very sorry to part with him….

God’s blessings – and welcome to your new home!”


It all started when she moved into the house and found a note that read:

“Welcome to our beloved home!

We hope you like it as much as we did! We do have one request-you don’t have to do it, but we would be very grateful if you would. In the backyard you will see an old ginger cat that lives there. He is homeless and was born in our backyard 12 years ago. He has an injured paw, so the cat won’t let you near him. We’ve been feeding him twice a day for years. We usually give him some dry or wet cat food and put water on the backyard patio. We also bought him a little house for winter and rainy days, it sits against the wall. We would really appreciate it if you would continue to feed him. We are very sorry to part with him….

God’s blessings – and welcome to your new home!”


“When we first read the note, we laughed for a long time,” Miranda says. – We thought it was really cute. We also thought about how we were like stray cat magnets. Four of our own five cats were picked up off the street!

Well, welcome to our zoo… :)”

The girl says that the stray cat, whom they nicknamed Raz, is not afraid of them at all. When they first arrived at the station, he was already waiting for them at the door! Of course, he doesn’t go into their arms, but he doesn’t run away at the sight of people either.


And the other day Raz met Nix, the family’s pet dog. The meeting went well, the animals rested together, looking at each other – though from different parts of the yard.


Raz often basks on warm rocks or plays on the pavement, feeling quite relaxed in his new company. Miranda is confident that they will become friends, and she will, of course, continue to feed her pet.


People have left many comments under this unusual story.


“Be kind to the old man… He’s lost his people.”

“Respect the cat, you’re just tenants in his house! ;)”


“So there’s good energy there, and it’s a plus to your karma. Smile!”

“Vaccinate your pets, feral cats can be dangerous to them.”

“We just bought a farm, and we were left with a ginger kitten named Paul from the previous owners. Now he eats like a king! So just enjoy your new cat…”


How would you react to such an unusual housewarming gift? Tell us in the comments!

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As a housewarming gift, the girl got a cat from the old owners
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