A photo of a stranger with a kitten on the underground restores faith in humanity

The world as it is, and right now it is not the brightest or brightest for many. And so events like the one that happened to New Yorker Gillian Rogers deserve special attention. She said she did not get off the train, but literally floated in the air from the rush of emotion. So what did she see?

An underground car, a gloomy evening, a stranger and… a grey spot on a bright plaid

It was a kitten and a very hungry kitten! The man gently wrapped the baby in a blanket and diligently fed it from a bottle. A sight you least expect to see in a big, indifferent city underground.

Rogers couldn’t help but walk over and talk. The man said he had picked up the kitten in the alley between the buildings on his way home from work. It was already quite cold outside, and the kitten was crying, hungry and scared. The decision was instantaneous, he realised he was obliged to make the kitten fed and warm, at the very least. Which he does, with varying success – he has no experience. As the founder of the animal shelter, Rogers was completely heartbroken.

But then the train approached her station and she had to get off. She didn’t have time to ask the stranger’s name.

It is deeds such as these that bring back faith in the fact that not all is lost, that there is still much kindness and mercy in the world.

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A photo of a stranger with a kitten on the underground restores faith in humanity
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