20 photos, after seeing which people do not mind joining the ranks of felines

Even the great Leonardo (not DiCaprio, but Da Vinci) considered even the tiniest of the feline family to be perfect. And Bernard Shaw said that a person’s level of culture is determined by how much he can understand a common cat. Yes, loving cats was mainstream even before the Internet with its ability to post an unlimited number of cats in pictures. Beautiful, graceful, pleasant to the touch, soft and willful at the same time, cats have an amazing ability to make a house cozy and create a special aura in it. By the way, another secret of the cat is that it can give people a kind of drug. And this drug is a cat’s purr!

It will meow the whole way without stopping, if you do not let it hold his hand like that.


Hey, did someone say “food”?


“My husband and our foster kittens are sound asleep.”


“I had to share this happy little fool’s face with you.”


How can you resist kissing that button right now!


When this two-faced beauty begs for treats like this, it always works.


“I’m starting to think my girlfriend is only dating me for my cat.”


Diary of a sad cat, day 793: “I can see the bottom of my bowl. It’s been two hours since the last feeding. My pleas for help have gone unanswered. I am doomed.”


“My cat seems to be very impressed with my dish.”


She wants to ask you something, but she’s a little shy.


Sometimes you get so tired of being a beloved cat that you sleep upside down


Earth, Earth, it’s a space cat. I see a nice man, may I make contact?


“Seven years ago, when my wisdom teeth erupted, my cat lay with me while I watched Friends. Today she had two teeth extracted, and we’re watching the show together again.”


“My cat likes to sleep with me like this, and it’s undoubtedly the nicest thing that’s ever happened to me.”


“My cat always waves his paws when he wants attention. Took a picture at the perfect moment.”


“She knows that if I take the bag, it means I’m leaving.”


Cat. View from below


“A stray kitten ran into the office today and settled on my laptop.”


“I’m a flight attendant, and this was my first passenger this morning. She made my day! Meet Zuri.”


Yes, man, I like that….


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20 photos, after seeing which people do not mind joining the ranks of felines
My wife disappeared 15 years ago after going out to buy nappies. I saw her last week and she said: ‘You must forgive me.’