11 proof that our cats are ourselves, only in fur coats

The main sign that people live in a family is the presence of common habits and interests. And the key word here is not “people” but “common” because the rule applies to animals as well.

As they grow up, cats will adopt your own habits, both good ones and necessarily those that many are ashamed of. What can you do – they’re just as emotional, illogical, and self-righteous as we are, only instead of bald skin, they have a nice fur to touch!

When you go with a friend to a party where you don’t know anyone else


No one wants to go to work after the weekend


It’s a little early for me to start the bathing season.


Selfishness toward one’s neighbor


When you begin to realize you’re wrong


Your reaction to the rebuke of fatness6

When you have photoshopped and suddenly it’s cool


Neighbors playing music early on their day off: Your reaction


I’m perfect!


To our parents we always look like this


In an ambush waiting for good fortune


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11 proof that our cats are ourselves, only in fur coats
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