After the birth of these sisters, it seemed to their parents that the girls would lie in bed for the rest of their lives, because there was no hope of saving them. Surprisingly, a couple of weeks after their birth, doctors managed to perform a successful operation, thanks to which the sisters began to develop separately. The operation lasted eleven hours and the doctors could only hope that luck was on their side that day. You should also take a look at what they looked like before and after the surgery.

These sisters were born with one brain for two, so after the birth, the mother was very worried about how her children would develop and wanted them to live as long as possible. When they received a proposal from the doctors to have an operation, the mother agreed, even though she was worried about their fate. Surprisingly, the operation was successful.
The sisters were born nine years ago and during pregnancy it was discovered that they would be born as Siamese twins, except that they did not have conjoined limbs and torso like the other children, they were born with conjoined heads, which caused additional problems in their lives. Such twins are extremely rare and many of them die at a young age, but fortunately, our medicine is so advanced that experienced doctors can perform surgery to separate them so that in the future the girls will not suffer because of their peculiarities.

Abby and Erin were born with shared skulls and their heads were connected by an important cerebral vein and if it was damaged, there was a good chance that they could die, but the surgeons did their job perfectly. In any case, the mother head was to take any risks, just to save her children and give them a chance to develop like all other normal children. The most interesting thing is that all the doctors to whom the mother of the twins turned refused to perform this operation, but coming to Philadelphia, the woman still found the doctor who agreed to perform such a complex operation.
In fact, the operation took much longer than expected, as the surgeons had some difficulties during the work. Several experienced surgeons and a good anaesthesiologist had to be invited to this operation to supervise the work from the beginning to the very end. When everything was over, both the doctors and the girls‘ mother breathed a sigh of relief.
Of course, the girls are now developing separately and are independent individuals. At the moment the sisters are happy that the mother decided to take such a risky step, although they are still too young. The girls are very different from each other, as they have different characters, their own features in appearance and structure of mind. Doctors are incredibly proud of their work, and often ask the mother of the girl how her children are developing.
Some time ago, the sisters went to the first grade, where they have already made new friends. It is surprising how successful the surgery and rehabilitation of the girls was, because one wrong move of the doctor could have ended their lives back in the distant two thousand sixteen.

Recently, their story began to spread on the internet, so many web users supported the girls and were happy for the mother who faced this problem in her life. It is amazing that some of the users of the network are ready to provide their help to the mother of the twins, if she needs it. I want to believe that many people who face similar problems in their lives, and further everything will be fine, because you should always believe in the best.