So much for the fairy tale! The paparazzi have revealed what one of the most beautiful actresses really looks like.

In March, the actress Sharon Stone, loved by millions, will celebrate her 66th birthday.
The Hollywood diva admitted to journalists that it took her a long time to come to terms with the natural aging process.

Sharon Stone

‘I used to lock myself in the bathroom, look at myself in the mirror and cry for hours,’ Sharon admitted in her interview.
‘One day I decided I wouldn’t leave the bathroom until I accepted my new reflection,
until I accept the idea that I’m getting older and there’s no stopping it,’ Stone said.

The actress managed not only to accept her new appearance, but also sincerely love it. The other day paparazzi captured the 65-year-old actress on holiday. It seems that Sharon noticed the photographers, but did not hide or cover her face.

‘Awesome’, “How she’s aged”, “A confident woman looks just like that”, “Bravo, Sharon”, “I admire women like that”, “Way to go, gorgeous”, “Woman in a million”, ’Why show up like that? She was the ideal for so many people.’

  • wrote the users of the network in the comments under the pictures of Stone.

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So much for the fairy tale! The paparazzi have revealed what one of the most beautiful actresses really looks like.
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