Social media has revolutionised almost every aspect of modern life, and according to a study, it has also had a significant impact on beauty standards.
Historically, beauty standards for women have been narrowly defined. From Marilyn Monroe’s curves in the 1950s to the waifish figures of supermodels in the 1990s, the ideal body type has changed with each generation. However, one consistent trend has persisted: the expectation that women should conform to a single standard, often dictated by pop culture and advertising.
However, social media has diversified beauty standards like never before. On platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, creatives of all sizes, shapes and colours can be found. This shift towards inclusivity is changing the way people view their own bodies, and for the first time, viewers are seeing models in mainstream media who are not just size 0.
Plus-size is the new average size
Interestingly, as American women embrace body positivity and size inclusivity, research shows that they are also getting bigger than before.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, the term ‘average’ has been redefined.
American women used to be told that the average size was a 14, but the study found that ‘contrary to popular beliefs, the average American woman’s (AAW) clothing size is larger than assumed.’
‘The average American woman wears a size 16 to 18, which corresponds to a woman’s size 20W,’ said the study, which also found that the average waist size has increased from 34.9 inches to 37.5 inches over the past two decades.
‘We hope this information will be made public and utilised by industry and consumers alike. Just knowing what the average waist size is can help many women with self-esteem,’ Susan Dunn, one of the study’s lead experts, told Today. ‘And we hope that the clothing industry will see the numbers and realise that these women are not going to disappear, they’re not going to disappear and they deserve to have clothes.’
She adds: ‘The fact that clothes should fit well, both in style and size, and be available elsewhere, not on the back of the store or exclusively online, is still a controversial topic.’
Why are American women getting bigger?
Statistics show that the average American woman is larger now than in previous decades. According to the CDC, the average American woman weighs about 170.6 pounds, up from 140 pounds in the 1960s.
Several factors contribute to this trend:
- Lifestyle changes: Sedentary work, increased calorie intake and the availability of processed foods are major contributing factors.
- Cultural Shifts: Larger bodies are becoming more accepted and honoured, reducing societal pressure for compulsive dieting.
- Genetics and Environment: Genetics, combined with environmental factors such as stress and access to healthy foods, play a role in shaping body size.
Not a ‘cosmetic issue.
Social media has undoubtedly changed the way we socialise, consume and live our lives. But while their influence has brought many positives, such as global connectivity and access to information, they have a darker side: their unnoticed but significant contribution to the rise in obesity rates, which have doubled since 1990, according to the World Health Organisation.

From promoting unhealthy habits to encouraging sedentary lifestyles, social media plays a role in shaping lifestyles that can lead to weight gain. While being overweight can be beautiful, the Mayo Clinic warns that ‘obesity is not just a cosmetic problem.’
‘It is a medical problem that increases the risk of many other diseases and health problems,’ the clinic writes of the 2.5 billion adults in the world who are overweight. ‘Among the health problems are heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and some cancers.’
Ultimately, beauty is not about fitting a certain mould, but about embodying individuality. Social media reinforces this message, and if used wisely, it can continue to redefine beauty standards in empowering ways.
What do you think about social media and its impact on beauty standards? Please let us know what you think and then share this story with your friends so we can learn from them!