‘My mum kept telling me every day that I was ugly and my nose was too big’: famous actress’ candid confession shocked fans 😢🎬

This girl is known as one of the most popular actresses in the world and her name is Jennifer Aniston. She got the main role in the film called ‘Friends’, where she showed all her potential, and a little later she participated in the filming of the rest of the series, which also became popular, thanks to which Jennifer was able to become even more famous. Except that no one knew that this beautiful girl had an extremely difficult childhood, about which she to this day does not want to remember, but eventually she had to talk about everything in an interview. Jennifer’s mother was also an actress, but about her relationship with her daughter Nancy Doe preferred not to talk to the public, knowing that after this will turn away from her many fans.

Little is known about Aniston’s upbringing in the family, as after the investigation it became clear that Jennifer grew up in terrible conditions and was criticised by her relatives until she left her parents’ home and her self-esteem stabilised. The girl constantly had various emotional traumas, which she had to work through with a psychologist in the future. The girl literally hated her mother, but now treats her neutrally and still, does not want to have any relationship with her.

Even forgetting about the fact that the parents at one point had to divorce because of disagreements in the family, but the little actress at that time it did not hit hard, because she believed that they can live together with her mother perfectly. When the girl was asked which of the parents she would choose, she confidently stated that until her adulthood is going to live under the same roof with her mother. Except that her mother eventually felt power over little Jennifer and regularly insulted her appearance so that her daughter began to feel insecure. Moreover, the girl hated her body because she had to gain quite a bit of weight as a teenager, which caused her to develop RPP.

Every time her mother reminded her young daughter that she had a terrible appearance, Aniston considered herself less and less beautiful and thought that it would be better if she did not exist in this world at all. At some points, the girl had to literally adjust to her mother in order not to hear any insults about her looks from her.

Perhaps someone thought that Jennifer could get along well at least with her dad, but with him the relationship was many times worse, as this man did not differ greatly in character from the mother of the future actress. It was for this reason that the girl preferred in most situations to listen to at least her mother. If there were such situations when the girl tried to defend her point of view in front of her mother, they happened very rarely, because in most cases the mother always won, so Jennifer just closed her mouth.

Already in adolescence Jennifer was diagnosed with dyslexia, with which she could not cope in any way, even doctors could not offer her anything. The girl herself had difficulty reading any books, as well as writing essays, which is why her performance at school was extremely low.

It seems that having enough problems in life, Jennifer could even end up committing suicide, having achieved nothing. But everything improved when Jennifer finally starred in her first film, becoming an aspiring actress and achieving popularity at the very beginning. Moreover, the actress herself does not hide the fact that she had to do rhinoplasty, because the nose that she had originally, the girl was not satisfied.

Her mother was never satisfied with the fact that her only daughter Jennifer began to reach any heights in her career, so she continued to pour dirt on her, not hiding her real opinion about her daughter.

Fans of the actress are incredibly happy that already at a mature age Jennifer finally managed to fight back her mother, expressing her real opinion about her. Just recently, the girl publicly announced that she was going to completely stop communicating with her mother, so that she no longer lowered her self-esteem and did not spoil her mood. As far as we know, the girl has not had any contact with her mum for about ten years, maybe it’s for the best?

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‘My mum kept telling me every day that I was ugly and my nose was too big’: famous actress’ candid confession shocked fans 😢🎬
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