30 interesting facts about cats + some useful tips

Cats are pets that give us affection, and we, in turn, give them our care and love. We invite you to find out interesting, possibly unknown to you, facts about cats.


  1. Do not taste sweet


The cat simply does not feel the sweet taste, and this is due to a defect in the taste receptor. Scientists believe this helped cats develop carnivorous behavior.

  1. Why do cats rub on people?

Cats rub not because of love for the owner, as many people think, they rub in order to interrupt the smell of others from the glands that are located at the base of the tail and in the area between the eyes.

  1. The brain of a cat


There is a similarity between the human brain and the cat’s brain – the same area is responsible for emotions.

  1. Cats are the best medicine

Cats are famous domestic healers. According to scientists, it is enough to stroke a pet in order to lower blood pressure and calm down. Therefore, stresses are more easily tolerated in the house where cats live, the family becomes more harmonious and friendly. When we pet a cat, our heart rate and blood pressure decrease. And people with cardiovascular diseases have a chance to live longer if they have a cat, unlike those who have neither a cat nor a dog


  1. Cats are the most lazy mammals


They sleep 16 hours a day. That is about 70% of his life.


  1. Cats are unique animals

They are 14 times better than people, smell and can hear sounds at a frequency of 60 kHz. For comparison: people – 20 kHz, dogs – 40 kHz. The cat can hear sounds in the ultrasonic range, and its “ambush” near the mouse mink makes sense, even if the rodents do not move. Rodents communicate using ultrasound, and the cat eavesdrops on these conversations.

The largest breed is Maine Coon. The body length of a cat of this breed can reach a meter, and weight – 6-9 kilograms. Despite their large size, the character of these cats is friendly and flexible.

  1. The length of the largest cat – 1.2319 meters


The largest breed is Maine Coon. The body length of a cat of this breed can reach a meter, and weight – 6-9 kilograms. Despite their large size, the character of these cats is friendly and flexible.

  1. Cat’s nose

The nose allows the cat to know and explore the world. Little kittens find their mother’s nipples by smell. Also, cats nose not only pick up odors, but can also use it as a thermometer, for example, measure the temperature of food.

  1. Vibrissa


Vibrissa – large, protruding above the surface of the coat, sensitive (tactile) hair in mammals. The scientific name of the whiskers vibrissae is therefore often called simply vibrissae in Russian-language literature. The mustache really vibrates.

If the cat’s mustache is directed forward, she is very interested in something. Or in skirmishes, he wants to scare an opponent. If the mustache looks back – the cat is scared, she avoids touching. When the cat is calm, the mustache is directed to the sides. 


  1. Do cats sweat?

Cats have several sweat glands, they are located in places such as the cheeks and lips, around the nipples and between the pads on the legs.

  1. A cat cannot climb upside down on a tree due to its claws.


In order to go down from the tree, she needs to retreat, backing away.

  1. Cats recognize your voice but prefer to ignore it
  2. Cats hide when sick


The instinct tells the cat that when he is weak, he is easy prey for the predator, therefore, during periods of illness, cats try to hide from possible dangers.

  1. Cats are able to travel great distances to get home
  2. How old is your cat by human standards?


If your cat is 3 years old, this corresponds to human 30 years. If 8 years, then humanly – 50. If 14, then 72 human years. The average life span of a domestic cat is 15 years, while for wild cats it is from 3 to 5 years.

  1. Washing

Frequent washing of a cat is explained not only by the cleanliness of the animal, but also by other purposes. In particular, in this way, the cat licks the necessary amount of a substance containing vitamin B from the coat and is necessary for regulating the animal’s mental balance. If the cat is not allowed to do this, she will become very nervous and may even die from stress.

  1. The oldest representatives of the cat family existed more than 50 million years ago


18.Aspirin is deadly for cats.

19.Eyes in the dark


Under favorable conditions, the greenish cat’s eye in the dark is visible at a distance of up to 80 meters due to the fact that cat’s eyes reflect light so that part of the rays returns along the same path in which they fell into the eyes.

  1. Binocular vision in cats

The binocular vision of a cat covers 130 degrees (in a dog – 83). The cat is also able to observe everything that happens on the sides! Its visual field is 287 degrees compared to our 200. The extremely movable head rotates in all directions and allows you to constantly keep a direct look.

  1. Cats, like humans, can have blood type AB


22.Normal cat body temperature – 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius)

23.The cat in the spine has five vertebrae more than humans


24.Egyptians shaved eyebrows as a sign of mourning when they lost their beloved cat

25.The more you talk to cats, the more they talk to you


26.If the pupils are dilated, despite the bright lighting, the cat is very interested in something or in a playful mood

27.   Fighting


Cat fights are short, but very ferocious and cruel. Their main weapon in fights is teeth.

  1. Eyes in kittens

When kittens are born, their eyes and ears are closed. When the eyes open, at first they are always blue. Then, over time, they change their color to a permanent

  1. Reflex nape


Under the skin of a kitten’s scruff, there are nerve endings that cause specific behavior – the “screech reflex” – this is when the kitten’s body relaxes and its tail and legs are pressed against the tummy so as not to catch on anything while being transported.

  1. They are really cool creatures.


 Helpful hints:

  1. If the cat is pulling furniture, try giving this place the aroma of lemon or orange. Cats hate these smells; 
  2. Never feed your cat dog food. Proteins need 5 times more protein than dogs;
  3. If you add dry leaves of green tea to your cat’s toilet, you will save yourself from the unpleasant odor;
  4. Try to spend a couple of minutes combing the cat in the morning and evening, and there will be much less cat hair in your house.

P.S. Take care and love cats! )))

Without a cat, life is not the same!


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30 interesting facts about cats + some useful tips
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