She was a very popular and successful model who made a lot of money in the nineties and noughties, but something went wrong. Kate Moss now doesn’t look as attractive as she used to and fans are rapidly turning away from her seeing such changes in her appearance. Some people managed to meet her on the street and took some pictures of her, which were leaked on social media. No one would have thought that this woman would change so much at the age of fifty, because it seemed that she would never age and would be as attractive even in retirement. Now we can see a blonde woman who practically does not take care of herself, has many wrinkles on her face, as well as crooked teeth. It seems that now the appearance does not interest her at all.

Fans do not like the way she has changed recently, so she is extremely interested in why people around her care about her appearance. It is surprising that previously no one was so much interested in her personal life as they are now, even though she has long since finished her career. It seems that age greatly affects not only ordinary people, but also successful models, because without the intervention of plastic surgeons, few people will be able to stay the same as before.

Online users started writing the following comments to the former model: ‘Maybe she has changed so much because of her bad habits?’, ‘Never would have thought that such a beautiful woman would lose her charm’, ‘Each of us knows a lot about her lifestyle, so it seems that such a result would be quite obvious!’, ‘She deserves all this’,

‘She looks very old and you don’t even want to look at her’, “Perhaps if someone hadn’t said that this picture shows a famous model, I wouldn’t have even thought that models can change so much with age!”, “It’s strange that at a certain point she just stopped looking after herself, as if she doesn’t care about her own appearance anymore”, “How can you look so awful at forty-nine?”,

‘She hasn’t even reached her fiftieth birthday and she’s already aged so much!’,

‘Maybe if she had gotten rid of her bad habits earlier, we wouldn’t be seeing such a horrible result now!‘, “She is a shining example that you shouldn’t let yourself go under any circumstances”, “Leading a lifestyle like this, everyone will age as early as possible!”, – I heard from Kate Moss’ former fans who used to look up to her.

What do you think about it?