When mum is Russian and dad is Spanish😯🔥Anna Kournikova’s children inherited their father’s facial features and mum’s blonde hair from Iglesias😍What came out of it

This artiste has been living in the territory of the United States of America for a long time, but his homeland is Spain. Now Enrique Iglesias has a family and surrounded by close people he really feels happy. Their marriage lasts more than ten years and as fans notice, the spouses do not even have any thoughts of divorce, because they live in a beautiful relationship. But only in social now very often there is information that Iglesias has mistresses on the side, which he does not even try to hide from his wife. There are many photos, looking at which, you can immediately understand that this performer is not very worried about what his spouse will think about connections with other men.

What worries Iglesias’ fans the most is that the singer can and during his tours cheat on his spouse with a lot of girls, kissing them in public view. There seems to be nothing wrong with the fact that the famous performer gives love to everyone around him, but the family should not be forgotten. It seems that the artiste does not understand that his wife and children should also be valued, sharing it with his career. If he continues to cheat on his wife in the same vein, sooner or later she will in any case decide to file for divorce.

It goes without saying that Kournikova never liked it and more than once she seriously talked to her spouse about it, but never got a clear answer from him. In any case, she began to be more loyal to the cheating of her spouse. Everything ends with the fact that the artiste simply promised his wife that he will not leave her, because he also continues to love her more than any other woman, as she is the mother of his children.

Iglesias and Kournikova have three children, which they try to bring up together. And now, just recently, the young married couple decided to show their recent photos on social media to show their fans how well they are doing. I think you will definitely like some of them!

Each of the children have blonde hair colour, which they got from their mother, but in any case they have dark skin like their father. That’s why none of the fans think the children are not related to them. ‘Such a beautiful family!’, “You are definitely the envy of many!”,

‘The kids have such perfect looks! They clearly took the best genes from their parents!’, “I really hope that this family will not face any problems in life and they will be happy always!”,

‘The children are so joyful!’, “It seems that rich people always give birth to beautiful children who do not know grief from a young age, because they get everything too easily thanks to the influence of their father and mother!”, – said fans of this famous couple, who were stunned by the new photos.

I wonder, what do you think about the family of a Spaniard and a Russian woman? Are they really suitable for each other?

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When mum is Russian and dad is Spanish😯🔥Anna Kournikova’s children inherited their father’s facial features and mum’s blonde hair from Iglesias😍What came out of it
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