Once upon a time, a long time ago, a TV series called ‘Police Academy’ was very popular. Perhaps you do not know much about it, especially about the lives of the actors of the series, but I would like to talk about it in more detail. This series was released back in the nineties, so young people probably did not even watch it.
The film itself shows the situation of how much the city has changed, where in the police academy could start training the most ordinary citizen, because it did not require neither education nor money, so those people who have long wanted to try themselves in this profession, of course, took part in the shooting. In the admission committee did not look at what height of a person, weight, sex or skin colour. Even physical fitness did not play any important role there, so people certainly had the impression that they would become excellent police officers. Surprisingly, there were quite a lot of people who wanted to be there, so all the policemen were as unique as possible and with their own peculiarities. The audience was incredibly interesting to watch this, so after watching it, many people were interested, and how are things in the lives of the actors, when the shooting finally ended?

The main character Cary Mahoney had a choice: to be in prison or to be educated in a police academy. Of course he chose the second option, which seemed more promising for him. After these shootings Steve began to be invited and star in other films, but unfortunately, they did not become as popular as it seemed earlier.

Just recently, the director of this film said that the proposal of this series will be, except that nobody knows anything about the exact dates.
A beautiful girl named Kim Cattrall also became a cadet and her name in the series is Karen Thompson. Now she is already sixty two.

In this film work Kim Cattrall starred for the first time, because before that she did not have to take part in any projects. The audience loved this actress, so to this day she remains very recognisable, and fans are waiting for new films with her participation. Now she is also popular thanks to the fact that she was invited to star in a popular film called ‘Sex and the City’.

The actress has had three spouses in her life, with whom she officially signed, but all these marriages were unsuccessful, so the woman tries to focus on her career, starring in various films. There was also a moment in her life when she completely forgot about the film industry, but in the two-thousandth she again began to appear on the screens and loyal fans were very happy to see her.
The personal life of actor George Bailey, who is currently seventy-four and in the series he was Lieutenant Harris.

The most interesting thing is that being a lieutenant in this film, George in real life was the complete opposite of his character.

In the early 2000s, the actor managed to become the head of the foundation ‘Children of Light’, where he was appointed ambassador for fifteen years. Ambassador he became only for one simple reason – George’s goddaughter had leukaemia, so the man wanted to do good deeds and do good for people.
The main in this academy happened to become Eric Lassard, who had a name in the series – George Gaines, but he did not become in two thousand sixteen.

Since Gaines starred in the sensational series, about his life almost nothing was known, because he suddenly disappeared from the TV screen. It happened because Gaines himself was an elderly man who was no longer able to think straight and take part in the shooting.

The last time he was invited to star in a film, occurred in two thousand and three years and then the old man could be seen in a comedy film called ‘The Honeymooners’. The actor did not become because of his advanced age, because he had one more year to live to celebrate his hundred years, but it never happened.

The actor himself has Russian roots, as his relatives before the First World War moved to the States, where they began to build their future. Some of Eric’s relatives still live in Russia and are proud to have such a famous actor in their family. The very kin of this man also constantly connected his life with creativity, because some of them performed in the theatre.
Leslie Easterbrook, who at the moment is almost seventy years old, was able to get the role of Sergeant Debbie Callahan.

This woman has always dreamed of becoming an actress, so from childhood she studied acting and went to auditions to get into at least some films. Initially, she had no hopes for a successful future after several rejections at the beginning of her career, but later everything turned out for the best.

The actress was taken often only in minor roles, where she could get in the frame for a maximum of a couple of minutes, so that the rest of the time she only did that the voice of various serials. Already at a more mature age, she managed to get several awards and prizes for well played roles, which she is incredibly happy.

Leslie had only two marriages in her life, because the first marriage with Victor Holchak was not a success, and in the second with Dan Wilcox, she did not feel happy.
Donovan Scott has managed to become a good full man playing the role of cadet Leslie Barbara and is currently at the age of seventy-two.

Back in the two thousand Donovan wanted to try himself in the field of cinema and applied for participation in the casting, he purely out of personal interest, so fortunately, he was accepted.

Starring in a relatively old film called ‘Captain Grant’s Children’, Scott managed to become a director, so he made edits if something seemed to him as suspicious as possible. Even at a certain period of his life he was a screenwriter and he enjoyed being an actor more than anything else. The most interesting thing is that for the sake of shooting the film he had to come to the Crimea, because there the place for shooting was the most ideal.
Bubba Smith, who did not become in two thousand and eleven years.

This actor was not only able to perfectly show his acting skills on camera, but to be an ideal player in his team, as he was engaged in American football. Except that because of an injury during another game, the man had to go into the creative arts and develop there further.

He died for one very stupid reason, as for a long time he had been using drugs that prevent obesity, instead of starting to do sports. Only the servants managed to find the actor dead in his own flat a couple of days later.
The role of Michael Winslow, who played Carsant Larwell Johnson. He is now in his sixties.

I think you know this cadet very well yourself, because he perfectly managed to imitate different sounds every time. Surprisingly, but the comedian thanks to the imitation of the most interesting sounds, was able to reach great heights in his career.

At the moment, Michael is already married for the third time, and also managed to have three children.
Marion Ramsey, who played the role of Laverne Hooks. The woman is now seventy years old!

The woman did not want to leave the sight of fans, but in the future after filming, she decided that she would start singing, in order to attract even more attention to herself. She is also now a composer.
Lance Kinsey, who in the film was Sgt. Carl

Proctor, recently celebrated his sixty-fourth birthday.
He may not have been the smartest and most charming in this film, but his role was definitely remembered by many viewers. Moreover, he continued his career in this field, but later starred only in minor roles.

This man has a spouse, with whom they bring up two babies at once. If you delve into the biography of this actor, you can understand that he also had to work in the field of production.
David Graf, who did not become in two thousand and one.

The man became a special forces, since the director thought that this role suited him best, and his name in the series was Eugene Tackleberry…

David Graf did not manage to successfully settle in the film industry, because his appearance was not so attractive to invite him to shoot in a variety of series. David himself had previously had a wife and two sons, but he died suddenly, and the reason was – a heart attack.
Colleen Camp, whose age is sixty-five years old.

It’s a little upsetting that the famous stars we used to look up to can age too. Kathleen Kirkland was considered one of the most beautiful actresses in this film. Moreover, in the story, she was friends with Tackleberry and at one time she even managed to win awards while acting in the film.

It wasn’t until she got into producing that she became truly successful.

She married John Godwin, with whom she had a child and their marriage lasted for fifteen years.
Bob Goldthwaite’s career, he is now fifty-six years old.

Generally, he is a comedian by profession and is very popular in the territory of America, but after one successful role, he decided not to stop filming and developed further in acting.

The last time he performed happened fourteen years ago! There are those fans that feel sad about the end of his stand-ups that he will never host again, but he should have rested a long time ago!

He is currently married to a beautiful girl, but his first sweetheart had a baby.
Art Metrano, who became Captain Muse. At the present time, he is more than eighty years old.

The audience loved this character the most, because he was able to play his role to the fullest and no one doubts it for sure. Internet users would like to see him even more often on the screens.

The actor had paralysis, about which he told too little information, but when he finally got rid of paralysis, he told the whole Internet about it.

Soon the man decided to start creating his own show, but earned on it only seventy-five thousand dollars, after which he spent them on helping patients who are trying to cure their back problems.
The role of Tim Kazurinsky, who is now sixty-eight.

The presented actor was also once a cadet, but acting did not bring him much money, so he continued to work in the field of journalism. Tim now has two children.