‘What a time!’ – A 19-year-old boyfriend and a 76-year-old grandmother are expecting a baby boy

This story is simply amazing! A young 19-year-old guy and his 76-year-old wife (who is already a grandmother) are preparing for the birth of a baby boy. At first glance, it’s hard to believe such news, but the fact remains that the couple is expecting a new addition to the family.

Recently, the guy shared the happy news in TikTok, saying that his wife is pregnant and they are looking forward to the baby. But all the unusualness of this story lies in the age of his wife – she is 76 years old, and she has already become a grandmother.

Visitors to the Internet network are shocked by this news, many do not believe that such a thing is possible. The age of the future mother causes heated discussions, but the photos of the couple speak of their sincere happiness.

In the comments you can meet a variety of reactions: ‘This is simply impossible!’, “Where does she get her health for this?”, “Maybe he is Galkin’s brother and is following in his footsteps?”, “What a strange time!”, ’I can’t find words…’

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‘What a time!’ – A 19-year-old boyfriend and a 76-year-old grandmother are expecting a baby boy
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