We can certainly be happy that Shayk is raising such a beautiful baby girl, but are stars the only ones who have cute babies?

Having swapped one millionaire footballer for another, an actor, Irina gave birth to Cooper’s daughter. The girl’s name is unusual, the parents decided to call their child Leah.

Family happiness lasted not long. Cooper lost his head from Lady Gaga, and the marriage with Shayk broke up.

Photos of the girl in the Network can be found plenty, of course, it is a very cute child, however, like the vast majority of children, especially for their parents, because the ‘titles’ that Leah is given from all sides, not at all a merit of her appearance, and the prominence and fame of her parents. The main thing is for the growing beauty to be happy and healthy.

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We can certainly be happy that Shayk is raising such a beautiful baby girl, but are stars the only ones who have cute babies?
My mum insisted on being present for my home birth – but then she slipped out of the room and I heard strange voices outside