This woman ate only one piece of bread a day for 5 years

Many of us struggle with our appearance and weight for a variety of reasons.

Even though there are movements for self-love at every size or more realistic looking models in advertisements, many people struggle with eating disorders every day around the world.

This woman is sharing her story to help others going through an eating disorder.

Annie Windley is originally from Derbyshire, England. She recovered after years of suffering from malnutrition and now hopes to share her story to help others in her shoes.

Windley’s highest weight never exceeded 29kg, which is approximately 63lbs. Being underweight led to a host of medical complications and put her at high risk for a heart attack.

For five years, the 21-year-old struggled with an eating disorder that still plagues her today. During this time, the Woolley Moor resident went through numerous hospitalisations and medical procedures.

However, the girl says she has been able to use her love of running as a method to help her begin to recover. She even took part in the Chesterfield Half Marathon last October.

In one of her social media posts, she wrote: ‘I have come to the delightful realisation that rehabilitation is an exciting process that should be exhilarating, unforgettable and amazing. I believe my anorexia will always be a part of me, but I have learnt to control it and stop thinking about food.’

According to Windley, ‘it’s never too late to make a change for the better.’

‘Those are the things that will make you happy and that are crucial to you,’ she said.

Focusing on respecting others and on her love of running is what really saved her. The energy she used to spend on restricting her food intake was focused on getting things done, and it completely changed her outlook.

‘Pay attention to your enthusiasm and drive to succeed where you want to go.’

Annie used to eat almost nothing but a piece of bread and was so sick and underweight that she would often pass out or fall over. Now she is moving to a healthier weight and a healthier mindset when it comes to her relationship with her body.

‘We have to show our disorders that we can do it. We don’t want to spend the rest of our lives feeling miserable and regretting what we couldn’t do because of anorexia.’

Tell us in the comments what you think of her incredible journey!

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