This pregnant woman was just taking pictures on the beach. Who could have expected her to…

This girl is 26 and this is her fourth pregnancy! When Kim Tucci was informed that this time the girl is carrying five babies at once, the couple were shocked.

Kim herself carried the pregnancy normally, although the Australian doctors warned her in advance about the possible death of one of their babies, as well as labour was likely to have complications. However, the girl coped, even though during pregnancy Kim’s back hurt constantly, soft pillows could not fix the situation, and she had to go to the toilet up to 12 times a day.

Kim Tucci was already a mother of many children and raised 2 daughters and a boy. The news that this time she will have five children at once, was a surprise to her. Medics reported that the spouses should expect twins.

‘I rejoiced when I learnt that twins would be born, but until the end I could not believe that it was really happening,’ the girl said.

However, when the woman cuddled the five newborns, she smiled and fully realised, it was all a reality.

She gave birth to four girls and a boy. The babies are healthy and no problems have been detected in them.

Kim’s popularity on social media increased significantly after this incident.

The delivery was very fast, a professional medical team managed in just 2 minutes, and so in this world came: Alison, Beatrix, Penelope, Tiffany and Kit. The babies were delivered at 8 weeks, and for about a month they stayed in the clinic under the care of doctors.

They are now at home with mum and dad.

Such an incredible case happens only once in 55 million. Photographer Erin Hoskins couldn’t help but capture such a miracle and volunteered to do a photo shoot for Kim. All the photos you see are the result of her professional work.

The kids have to be fed 5-9 times a day, and the consumption of nappies is astonishing: 350 a week. Thankfully, the couple is supported by their parents and many other people. The family’s budget would hardly support such expenses.

Fifty fingers and toes, six hearts beating at once. My body fought the toughest battles to get five babies without serious complications,’ is how the happy mummy captioned the photos on Facebook.

To visit anyone, the family would have had to rent 2 cars at once. However, a website created especially for the couple was able to raise enough money to buy a family bus.

Now travelling is not a problem for the Tucci family!

It’s impossible not to be happy for the happy couple! And after all, this whole amazing story started with an ordinary photo on the beach. Share this good story with others. Let them also be happy for the kids and appreciate the scale – 1 case in 55 million!

Kim Tucci said in an interview that doctors strongly discouraged the woman from giving birth to five children at once and suggested giving up several, as there was a huge risk that the mother of many children herself would not survive the birth.

And this is what the grown up babies look like!

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