This girl really does have the biggest lips, but she wanted to change something about her appearance, so she changed quite a bit

This girl had to spend about ten thousand to plump up her lips, because every time she was dissatisfied with the result and wanted to have so many fillers in her face that from the outside it was immediately obvious that she was a doll. After she achieved the perfect lip size, she decided to add fillers to her cheekbones to increase their size a bit as well.

At the time of Andrei Ivanova’s first beauty injections, she was not yet considered so ugly, but lately she has changed for the worse. The girl went to a beautician only for the reason that since childhood she was interested in Bratz dolls and initially she wanted to change her appearance just a little, but soon the woman realised that she would not be able to stop. Soon injections were made in her entire face and Andreea herself was unaware of the terrible consequences of plastic surgery and was not afraid of them at all.

‘I would love to break the record and finally become the woman who has the biggest lips in the world! I’m so flattered by that! At the moment I have stopped at the fact that I have made only four injections in the cheekbones, except that I want to do a few more to still achieve the desired result!’, – said suddenly Andreea in one of the interviews.

When fans asked how many times the girl had to make injections in her lips, she said that she had been to such appointments with a beautician more than thirty times and is unlikely to stop, because big lips for her are still a priority. The most annoying thing is that the plastic surgeon personally forbade me to increase my lips even more, because according to him – it will lead to terrible consequences, which are unlikely to be corrected. Doctors want this beautiful maiden to better monitor her health, because because of injections in the near future Ivanova may soon be on a hair’s breadth from death.

In order to make the cheekbones seem more expressive, the girl decided to spend a few thousand dollars more, but she was never completely satisfied with her appearance.

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This girl really does have the biggest lips, but she wanted to change something about her appearance, so she changed quite a bit
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