In the late autumn of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five this cheerful boy was born. The child was cared for by ordinary parents, who did not even think about the bright future of their child, and tried to prepare him for a hard life. In spite of all these difficulties, with age the boy began to look only better. He was incredibly appreciated by everyone around him, calling him the most attractive guy.

Except that in the near future Alain’s father had his own cinema, so since then the guy’s mother worked there, helping her husband to develop in business. It is a little upsetting that even from early childhood the future actor had to live in an incomplete family, since the parents began to quarrel regularly and realising that they could no longer live together, still filed for divorce. Mother could not find a better option for herself, so raised Alain alone, while his father had a new lover, with whom in the near future they even had children. Alain maintained communication with half-brothers and sisters, but deep down he disliked them.

A little later, Alain’s mother met another man, whom she fell in love with incredibly strongly, and together with him she got a job in a butcher’s shop. None of the parents wanted to look after the little son, so Alen from childhood had to learn independence, because if no one takes care of him, he is obliged to do it himself. Alain for some time even had a nanny, who always supported him. It turned out that for all his childhood Alain never realised what parental love was, because neither his father nor his mother cared about him. When the guy has already become famous, he was even interviewed, where he said that some time he even liked to be himself, but the older he became, the more he realised that he could not live alone. Being a teenager it was already finally clear to him that his parents simply did not need children, since no one was interested in Alain’s life.

The guy’s grades were terrible and he was often kicked out of classes, as he could not concentrate. For the same reason, almost every year Alain transferred from one school to another. The boy incredibly strongly liked to play musical instruments, so that at a more mature age he began to develop in this very sphere. Surprisingly, as a child, he even received awards for taking part in some competitions. Unfortunately, he stopped being interested in music after he reached adulthood, when he should have started thinking about adulthood.

He was going to work in a butcher’s shop like his mum, so as soon as he managed to learn everything he needed to know, his mum helped him get a job. He also worked as a waiter at certain times, but such work did not bring him any pleasure, so he was incredibly happy when he did become an actor.