There was a time when this celebrity was beautiful and attractive, but years later, she has changed. During her years of popularity, she attracted attention with her talent and unusual beauty. Many women were equal to her, wanted to be similar, even copied her style of dress, mannerisms, gait, haircut. Over the years, this beauty has gone, the popularity has also faded. Below we will tell you who she is and what happened to her.

Actress Anita Ekberg was born in Sweden, but gained popularity in Italy. Her life was difficult, leaving home, the young girl had to achieve everything herself and go towards her dreams. Born a celebrity in a family where dad and mom were very religious. The daughter from childhood dreamed of becoming an actress, but her father was categorically against it. Despite this, Anita found the strength to leave her family and move.

Career actress Ekberg’s career quickly went up, the Italian audience quickly fell in love with her. Fans said that the celebrity has a great talent and she has charisma, without which on the screen to do just nothing. A few years later, Anita was noticed in Hollywood, there she began to work with celebrities of the time. Ekberg became a symbol of sexuality and femininity.

If in terms of career at the actress everything was at the highest level, then in her personal life she waited for a complete collapse. Twice Anita married, both times – unsuccessfully, which further led to the fact that the career began to lose its popularity. Then began to appear new young stars, Ekberg less and less often invited to shoot, and she took on different roles, just so as not to lose popularity. The work was tiring, with health problems began.

Dazzling beauty quickly wilted, on this ground the actress began to have mental disorders. Fans, from the photos they saw, fell into a stupor. Anita Ekberg died in 2015, but the memory of her still lives, and in it she is still the same young, beautiful, successful and popular.