One of the rather famous models, let’s call her Chloni, was earning very good money with her profession. She successfully performed on the catwalks, demonstrating new collections of clothes, she did well in the direction of shooting ‘nude’, which paid a lot more than just for a walk in a dress or trouser suit.

After meeting a young successful manager Jack, she realised that their relationship was developing very quickly and it was going to be a wedding.
Chloni was not mistaken, one day, when they, walking on a weekend day wandered to the top of a hill, Jack very touching and beautifully made her a proposal, giving her an engagement ring and promising to love her for the rest of his life.
The girl happily agreed, but in response to her ‘yes’ heard a condition that the groom asked to fulfil. It concerned filming in the nude, Jack did not want his wife to undress in front of the whole team on the film set. Chloni promised that she would not do it anymore, and soon they were married.
During the wedding Jack put on the finger of his beloved even more gorgeous ring than the one he gave at the top and asked never to take it off. Chlony, teary-eyed, nodded her head in agreement.
Over time, Jack’s workload increased sharply, he could not spend much time with his wife, and Chlony, over the years, began to receive fewer offers from modelling agencies and gradually became bored.

One day, when Jack was away on another business trip, he sent his wife a message asking her to drop him an email with a picture of her.
Chloni made a professional selfies, but when she sent the picture, she realised that ahead of her awaits at least a scandal, and even a divorce.
The thing is that she in the absence of her husband again began to earn money, filming nudes, but hid it from Jack, knowing. that he would not approve of her decision. During the filming, the cameraman demanded to remove the wedding ring, and after the last session Khloni simply forgot to put it back on, filmed for her husband without a ring.
Jack noticed the absence of his wedding gift and was really ready to divorce, suspecting Chloni of cheating, but after explaining with his wife after returning from a business trip, he realised that by binding her commitment not to shoot nude, he deprived her, in addition to earning money, to do what she used to do, and that she was good at.

They came to an agreement, and peace reigned in the family again, after which the husband began to communicate more often with his wife, so that she was not bored alone, allowing her, in addition to this liberated photo shoots, and Chloni after that blossomed and was able to sign several large-scale contracts with modelling agencies.
So one photograph put everything in its place.