The children of celebrities, out of boredom and satiety, are looking for completely inadequate ‘entertainment’

Children of celebrities, out of boredom and satiety look for themselves completely inadequate ‘entertainment’. One of the obvious examples is the daughter-son of the famous Cher.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, Cher gave birth to a girl, who, when she grew up, decided that she lacked some body parts, so she decided to become a boy. She was Chesty, she became Chaz.

Even her mother, who is liberal in such matters, was shocked and didn’t immediately learn to accept him (her) normally.

Looking at the current photos of the former Chesty, you can never say that this bearded body-positive, or simply fat man, could have been a girl once.

Experiments on nature can be treated differently, but they do not stop being experiments.

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The children of celebrities, out of boredom and satiety, are looking for completely inadequate ‘entertainment’
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