The 440kg ‘Pakistani Hulk’ is looking for a very special wife.

The demands are strange but reasonable

Arbab Heather Hayat, 30, from Pakistan, has already rejected 300 applicants for his heart. According to him, all of them were not suitable for him. The man has several requirements for a new wife, and all of them are strange. They are the reason Arbab Heather Hayat is still single ….

A 27-year-old resident of Pakistan, Arbab Heather Hayat, 27, has announced his intention to get married. The man is now in search of his chosen woman, for whom he has some requirements. In his home country he is considered a real strongman and constantly participates in powerlifting competitions. Arbab Heather Hyatt is very popular, but unfortunately he has not found his beloved.

That’s not to say there isn’t one. According to the man, he has already rejected 300 applicants for his hand and heart. All of them were too small for him. As you can see, it’s all about weight. The man weighs 440 kilos, and not every girl can handle that kind of weight.

Arbab Heather Hayat is looking for a life partner who weighs over a hundred kilograms and is taller than 190 centimetres. A more fragile girl the strongman is simply afraid of being crushed.

‘My parents want me to get married. They want grandchildren, but I still haven’t found the right girl. I need a ‘heavyweight’ wife so I won’t hurt her. All the women who wanted to marry me were too thin,’ Arbab told Heather Hayat’s DailyMail.

The new companion of the strongman must also be able to cook, because Arbab eats only for breakfast 30 pieces of eggs. He also eats more than three kilos of meat and several bowls of rice every day. The strongman drinks his lunch with five litres of milk.

The Pakistani is confident that he has no health problems. He also claims to be the strongest man in the world.

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