Ten clan-families that own our planet and destinies

You have probably heard the theory that virtually all the world’s money is concentrated in the hands of the richest families. Some spend millions on their whims, while others prefer a quiet, secluded lifestyle. But there is something that unites them: the position in society, which is shrouded in all sorts of secrets.

Some believe that it is the clans that decide the fate of our planet and govern the heads of state. And someone – that they conduct their own underhand political game.

We decided to play conspiracy theorists and made a selection of families that rule the world (but it is not certain).

The Rockefellers

The fortunes of the Rockefeller clan are legendary. No one knows exactly the total size of the family fortune, but rumour has it that it ranges from $ 1 to $ 3 trillion. The clan was made famous by John Rockefeller, the first dollar billionaire in history. At the end of XIX century the family controlled 90% of oil on the US market. Almost all modern American oil companies trace their origins back to the Rockefellers.

Two world wars only strengthened the family’s wealth. It helped both Germany and the coalition of allies. Now, in addition to banking and oil business, the Rockefellers are actively engaged in charity and cryptocurrency.

Supporters of the conspiracy theory consider family members to be the chairmen of the secret World Government and adherents of the idea of a ‘golden billion’.

The Morgans

Fans of various political theories suggest that the Morgan clan determines the political course of the United States and controls all the banks of the world.

The ancestor of the Morgan clan, John Pierpont Morgan, founded the first financial empire in the United States. He traded arms during the Civil War, for which he was almost put on trial. And in 1907, he prevented the collapse of the banking system.

To this day, members of the Morgan clan continue to be the most influential bankers. Branches of their banks are not only in the United States, but also in Europe. Family members ran General Motors and General Electric.


The Saudis are a royal dynasty that has ruled Saudi Arabia since 1932. Today, the head of the family is King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, and the total number of Saudis reaches 25,000.

The head of the family has almost absolute political power, and family members hold important government and military positions. Saudis can take away any post within the country. The family holds 20% of the world’s oil reserves.


The Rothschilds were one of the richest families already under Napoleon I. Amschel Mayer Rothschild founded the dynasty. He built a large banking business in Germany and created his financial empire. Dying, Amschel left his heirs a will, in which he outlined his views on the management of the empire. And for over 200 years, the Rothschilds have adhered to these rules.

Different rumours and theories hover around the family. Some claim that the family controls all the wealth of the world and financial institutions. Others claim that it is the Rothschilds who encourage and sponsor most wars.

The modern state of the Rothschilds is estimated at about $ 2 trillion. They are engaged in investments, trading, banking. The family owns several vineyards, oil and natural gas companies.


The Baruchs’ fortune is less than that of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, but their influence is much greater. The founder of the Baruch clan, Bernard Baruch, was an adviser to five U.S. presidents and a great friend of Winston Churchill.

It was he who coined the term ‘Cold War’, supervised the project to create the atomic bomb and the international Agency for Atomic Development.

Baruch is credited with creating the idea of World Government.

Little is known about the heirs to Baruch’s empire.

He had two daughters and a son. Son Bernard Baruch – the youngest passed away in the 1990s. There is no reliable information about Bernard’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There is talk that they are being kept hidden on purpose, but the Baruchs still run the US government.

The Waltons

In 1962, entrepreneur Sam Walton opened the first Walmart shop. And thereby put himself on the list of the richest people in the world. Over time, the Walmart chain of shops became the largest in the United States.

After Sam Walton’s death, his wife and four children took over the company. In addition to the supermarket chain, the Waltons run Arvest Bank. They own an art collection and a charitable family foundation.

The Windsors

The Windsors are the royal family of Great Britain. The current head of the House of Windsor is King Charles III. He is the head of the Church of England and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces.

In addition to England, Charles III is the current monarch in 15 independent states. All members of the royal family lead a modest lifestyle, serve in the Armed Forces and are involved in charity work.

The Murdochs

The Murdoch media tycoons began building their empire in Australia. Keith Murdoch was a political columnist at a Melbourne newspaper. Keith was appointed editor-in-chief, increased the publication’s circulation and became CEO.

His son Rupert also became a journalist. After taking over the leading Australian newspapers, Murdoch created a media holding company, News Corporation. Now the Murdochs own the film company 20th Century Fox, TV channel Fox News, social network My Space and stock company Dow Jones. ‘News Corporation’ was accused of illegally tapping the phones of the royal family, celebrities, as well as bribing police officers and intelligence agencies.

Rupert is a very popular personality in pop culture. He became the prototype of the villain in the Bond film ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’, the prototype of media tycoon Logan Roy in the TV series ‘The Heirs’, mentioned in the TV series ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and ‘The Simpsons’.


The Oppenheimers own most of the diamond and gold reserves. The founder of the clan, Ernest Oppenheimer, went to live in the town of Kimberley in South Africa.

There he first became mayor of the town and then headed one of the diamond mining companies.

Soon Ernest seized the world market for the mining and sale of diamonds.

Now the diamond empire is run by Ernest’s grandson, Nick Oppenheimer. The family is engaged in mining and selling not only diamonds, but also gold, iron ore, platinum and industrial minerals.


A family of Jewish immigrants moved from Kiev to Chicago in 1881. The Pritzkers own the Hayat Corporation. It is a hotel company that sells hotels and tours to resorts. The corporation has 777 hotels in 54 countries.

The Pritzkers established their own architecture award. They now live in Chicago, where they have formed their own school of architecture. In many ways, the family determines the appearance of the city.

Do you believe that the world is run by rich families or a secret government?

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Ten clan-families that own our planet and destinies
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