Such a mass of muscle looks impressive, it’s just a shame it belongs to a woman

Of course, physical exertion and enthusiasm for weights is good, but, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Excessive volumes, which some bodybuilders intensively ‘inflate’ on exercise machines, including with the help of chemistry, cause the opposite emotion in those who see forbidding masses of muscles, especially if it is a woman.

Natalia Amazon is a little over thirty, she has reached simply exorbitant heights in changing her figure. Looking at her musculature, presented as in an anatomical theatre, you can consider every muscle, and consider in such an increased from the usual volume that the question of the expediency of such training arises itself.

Although there are those who admire Natalia’s figure and say that they respect her will, patience and hard work. But the majority of the audience still say that the efforts to shift weights from place to place would be better directed in a more useful direction, and the heroine herself wishes to become a little more feminine.

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