In 1983 she was voted the most beautiful actress, but unfortunately time is inexorable.

Can you guess who is in this picture? It’s Rachel Ward, known for her role as Maggie in Birds of a Feather. The star of the iconic 80s film was voted the most beautiful actress of her time, but unfortunately time is inexorable to even the greatest beauties.

Fans were shocked by her latest photos, which show Ward appearing without make-up or makeup. ‘I would never have recognised her,’ she said. ‘If it wasn’t for the caption, I wouldn’t have guessed it was Maggie’. ‘How she’s changed.’ ‘We all change beyond recognition.’ ‘It’s sad to see.’ ‘Even the most beautiful women age and change beyond recognition.’ ‘Great actress.’ ‘I love this actress, but I didn’t recognise her.’

‘She doesn’t look like the old Maggie at all.’ ‘At 67, she looks poor.’ ‘You should always take care of yourself’ are some of the comments under the new photos of the famous actress.

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