Schwarzenegger is not neglecting and supporting his illegitimate son

Schwarzenegger’s family once had a banal story – he cheated on his wife with a housekeeper, despite the obvious superiority of his wife’s beauty.

Not only that, both women got pregnant by the world champion in bodybuilding almost simultaneously and gave birth to children a few days apart.

Rumours began to swirl about who actually fathered the child of an unmarried housekeeper, and Maria, then still Arnold’s wife, did not beat around the bush and asked the maid if it was true that her child was born to the master of the house?

As witnesses of this scene, the mistress did not begin to refuse, falling with tears on his knees in front of Maria Shriver, but to beg forgiveness was not possible.

Kennedy’s niece filed for divorce, without pretending that nothing special has not happened.

Arnold himself also repented, and before his wife, and publicly, in one of the interviews, calling his act a meanness to both women. Nevertheless, he does not leave his son from the housekeeper without attention and support, often communicates with him and helps.

Congratulating Joseph on graduating from college, the famous dad said he loves him no matter what and is always happy to see him.

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