When she showed her feet closer, everyone had to close their mouths and shut up.
You can’t judge a person by their appearance. No matter what a person looks like, they deserve to be treated well.

But there are some people who enjoy causing pain and heartache. They are constantly tugging at someone’s heartstrings to ruin their life. Jacqueline Edin was able to put such arrogant people in their place. We need to take an example from her to stand up for what we think.
Previously, the woman’s weight was over 200kg. However, she was able to radically transform herself by completely changing her lifestyle. Her weight loss secret lies in proper nutrition and regular workouts.
Thanks to this way of life, the woman lost almost 150kg!
Fast and large-scale weight loss had a negative impact on her skin. The skin needs time to shrink to its new shape and adapt. In some people, the skin does not tighten at all. Jacqueline faced a similar problem.

She was very worried about the skin folds on her legs. But then she realised that she was poisoning her own life. She stopped dwelling on this moment and set out to meet new challenges.
For the first time in all these years, Jacqueline allowed herself to put on a swimming costume. But the haters immediately pounced on her with terrible criticism.
To defend herself, the woman published a post on Instagram.
She was very unpleasant to listen and read all this.
Jacqueline wrote that she would not let people influence her attitude to herself. She didn’t want strangers to stop her from being happy and tell her what to do.

They don’t know the path she took to lose weight. They have no idea how much effort it takes to lose that much weight. They do not know how hard the woman recovered from the operation. These people have no right to judge her and point fingers at her. That’s why Jacqueline smiled at that moment and went for a swim. She didn’t even think about leaving the beach.
It is never a good idea to listen to the words of strangers if they want to offend or humiliate you. Your reaction to such incidents should be neutral. It is important to love ourselves and accept ourselves as we are. No matter how hard it is, you should strive for such a goal.
It is impossible to like everyone. It is quite normal to do so. Love yourself and accept your body. No matter how much pressure society puts on you, Jacqueline’s advice is to stay yourself and keep a smile on your face.
The woman’s post about self-love has gathered more than 30,000 likes. And also under the publication accumulated a lot of beautiful comments that supported Jacqueline’s position.

What do you think: is Jacqueline worthy of praise? Why did she put up this post? Why doesn’t she silently engage with her body? Or perhaps she wants to support those who find themselves in a similar situation?