‘Not much freedom and a lot of demands”: 12 photos of women’s lives in the East. The last picture is very funny

For some reason, gender equality is not promoted in all countries of the world. There are still those countries where women have practically no rights and freedoms. They are forbidden to do anything without their husbands’ approval, to use cosmetics and to wear the clothes they like.

Women in the East resemble little children because they are hostages of their husbands and their relatives. Husbands and other male family members have the right to control her will. They control not only a woman’s every move, but also her outward appearance. If they wish, men can forbid her from leaving the house and socialising with anyone. She is not allowed to argue and prove her rights – she is obliged to obey in everything.

Women and young girls have adapted to such living conditions and try not to be discouraged. They find a way to get pleasure even in such conditions. Their images are decorated with heels and bright accessories. However, not everyone is allowed to wear them.

This is what oriental women look like in the photo.

This photo is very unusual because the clothes are not the usual black colour. It looks very spectacular.

A woman in Afghanistan. From one photo it is clear how hard her life is.

This photo is mesmerising in its beauty and symbolism.

If an oriental woman has heeled shoes, a branded bag and she can apply make-up, she has got a good man. He doesn’t drastically restrict her freedom.

This shot gives me goosebumps.

Another scary shot.

What do you think of the Oriental bride? Is she pretty?

Somehow I feel sorry for these women. They’ve had a hard fate.

What do you think?

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‘Not much freedom and a lot of demands”: 12 photos of women’s lives in the East. The last picture is very funny
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