No one ever suspected that this small girl, selling at the market, would one day become a world famous actress.

Poor family, brothers, sisters, always busy looking for an opportunity to earn an extra penny mum, trading at the market to somehow help her mother, height and thinness – that’s all that can be said about the one who then his game overshadowed many of his contemporaries and forever forgot the offensive childhood nickname ‘pole’.

Despite the pessimism of her mother and the ridicule of her brothers, the sixteen-year-old girl decided to try to escape poverty by applying for a beauty contest. Her modelling proportions gave her hope that things would change for the better and this was a chance.

After the contest, what Sophie dreamed of began – shooting in films, moving to Rome, a whole new life and level in it.

Carlo Potti created from her the very Sophia Loren, who conquered first all the men of Italy, and then the whole world. The actress became a model of femininity and beauty, few of her female colleagues did not seek to imitate her, but on their part it was no more than imitation.

From the fifties to the seventies Sophia Loren shone on cinema screens, her roles were not just perfect in execution, they were beyond perfection, which made the actress a unique star that we know.

In her eighty-nine Sophia Loren recalls the spotlight and camera lenses with a slight smile, say, everything in its time. She is not discouraged by old age, on the contrary, the grandmother enjoys playing with her grandchildren and still loves life.